art by squishielychee

Weaver in the Rough

Name: Lumi’a Lightpaw (Located on Balmung, Crystal)
Tribe: Mi’qote, mixed (Keeper of the Moon/Seeker of the Sun)
Age: 20-22
Height: 164cm
Gender: Male (he/they)
Orientation: Aroace
Relationship status: Uninterested
Relatives: Mother (deceased), Half-sister (complicated)
Main class: Weaver
Sub class: Leatherworker, Rogue
Occupation: Freelance Weaver / Leatherworker, Wandering Adventurer
Hobbies/interests: Clothing and fashion, most forms of dance (spectator), afternoon tea, sleeping
At a glance:
Lumi’a’s long hair is usually tied into a messy plait. His natural hair colour is white, but he chooses to dye it green. His eyes are deep green, a trait he inherited from his mother. His pale skin, from a man that was never important enough to be acknowledged or mentioned. He is only slightly self-conscious about his short, scrawny stature. There is merit in being able to blend in and avoid standing out. You’ll hear him before you see him—his belt is lined with hand tools that clink with every step. He speaks with a thick Thavnairian accent.
Inquisitive lad
A foreigner to Eorzea, only ever hearing about it from his mother’s stories, Lumi’a has developed a habit of perking his ears and widening his eyes at the sights, sounds and inhabitants of this continent. A naturally curious soul, he would never pass up the chance to learn or experience something new, even if his shyness may get in the way sometimes.
Observant Wallflower
Preferring to keep to himself, Lumi’a defaults to the role of quiet observer in most instances. He tries to be perceptive and aware of other’s feelings, looking out for them moreso than for himself.
Waiting to Bloom
Although he spends a lot of time in his own thoughts, once someone opens up to him, Lumi’a is generous with his attention and sharing his own ruminations, if he finds it useful to the other party. He hopes to be able to make more meaningful connections with others.
Heart of a Pessimist
A natural worrier and pessimist, Lumi’a thinks that if you always expect the worse to happen, you can never be taken by surprise or hurt. His pessimism is the sort that is quiet and enduring, rather than the kind that announces itself and dampens the mood.
Born in Thavnair to a small Keeper of the Moon clan, Lumi’a led a straightforward, uncomplicated childhood. He knew that his mother was a Seeker of the Sun, but she never talked much about her past before arriving to Thavnair and finding home in a village just outside Radz-at-Han. Most days were spent trailing after his mother to the dance school where she taught, and to Ruveydah Fibers where his passion for clothwork was cultivated. At the age of seven, he boarded a ship with his mother for the first time and sailed across the ocean to the Ruby Sea, for a glimpse of her former life. He had an older sister, who tried to hide her disdain when she saw him. They soon returned to Thavnair, his mother with red, tearful eyes and him, a bruise near his shoulder.
A part of Lumi’a has always felt guilty for not asking if they could stay. Over a decade has passed, and with the passing of his mother, Lumi’a must now venture into the world alone. He decides to travel to Eorzea to improve his craft and learn more about his mother’s past, so that he might chart a course for his own future.Skills & Abilities:
Lumi’a was an informal apprentice at Radz-at-Han’s Ruveydah Fibers, owing to his mother—a beloved patron who always sought cloth for new and eye-catching dance attire. He polished and perfected his weaving techniques from his time there, and hopes to continue honing his skills in Eorzea, starting with the Weaver’s Guild in Uldah.
Due to his background in crafting, Lumi’a has the tools and skills to repair most clothes, shoes and small gadgets.
Hunting & Tracking:
Lumi’a was a regular hunter for his clan in Thavnair and while he is unfamiliar with the fauna of Eorzea, the stealth, precision and tracking skills he’s honed will find its use should anyone need to hunt down something (or someone).

RP hooks

- to be updated –



Glory Lightpaw <Strained Siblings>
He thinks often about his sister and what he would say to her if they met again—all the apologies and the grave news of their mother’s demise. The thought terrifies him. Instead, he weaves a black dress and does not skip on embroidered details in the skirt. Once his ship docks in Limsa Lominsa, he wraps it up and sends it off in a post-Moogle’s capable paws, wondering if it will reach its intended recipient, and if it will fit just right. [Glory is active on Tonberry, Elemental.]
Sasha Strom <Reliable Friend>
If not for Sasha stepping in to offer a piece of advice, Lumi’a would not have found his footing in this new land. Meeting by chance in the markets of Gridania, the two have become fast friends and quiet companions of one another. Lumi looks up to Sasha, who seems to know much more about the world than him. His current goal is to craft a set of gear for the viera to wear.
G'enna Tadhg <Generous Heart>
to be updated
Llyr Jinjahl <Kind Dancer>
Lumi’a was greeted by Llyr when he set foot in Limsa Lominsa. Though he did not know who this mi’qote was, she regarded him with kind eyes and welcomed him as a new adventurer in the city, showing him around The Drowning Wench and even procuring some new clothes for him. Lumi hopes to one day repay her kindness and to have another chance to witness her unconventional dance steps.


Hi there! Lumi's actually an alt I've made to be able to RP on Crystal. I'm active on my main (Glory!) most of the time, but it's always fun to jump into Lumi's boots and adventure 'round Balmung as well. If you're interested in Glory, find out more about her at <>I'm based in GMT+8 but happy to RP with anyone across data centers/worlds (the magic of discord RP!) I'm open to most flavours of RP (all genres except for serious romance / erp) and leaning towards paragraph-style but can do dialogue-style as well. I'd love for our characters to meet! As I'm in my late 20s, I prefer to RP with those above 18. If you'd like to contact me, you can DM me on twitter (@ysaylerights) or message #bread9696 on discord. Looking forward to chatting & RPing! 🌱✨